Mr.Mahendra JayasekeraMr. Mahendra Jayasekera
Hon. President

Mahendra Jayasekera is the Managing Director of Lanka Walltiles PLC, Lanka Tiles PLC, Lanka Ceramics PLC, Swisstek (Ceylon) PLC and Swisstek Aluminium Limited. He is the Chairman of Sri Lanka Cost and Management Accounting Standards Board.

He has an honours degree in Business Administration from the University of Sri Jayawardenapura and is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Buddhist Studies (Distinction Pass) and Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies from the Post Graduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya.

He has served as both executive and non-executive director of many other listed and unlisted Companies.

Kusumabandu SamarawickramaMr. Kusumabandu Samarawickrama
Vice President

Nalin J. AbeyesekereMr. Nalin J. Abeyesekere
Vice President

Mr. Daya WeerasekaraMr. Daya Weerasekara
Vice President

Sunil S. SirisenaMr. Sunil S. Sirisena
Vice President

Mr. Sunil S. Sirisena is a retired Special Grade SLAS officer.

He has a BA (Hons) degree and MA Economics from the University of Peradeniya. Mr. Sirisena holds a Post graduate Diploma in Statistics (Kelaniya University), Post graduate Diploma for Development Administration (SLIDA) and Post graduate Diploma in Defense (University of Costal Guard Washington USA).  

Mr. Sunil S. Sirisena has served as the Additional Secretary at the Ministry of Defense. He has also served as the Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Secretary at Ministry of Foreign Employment promotion & Welfare and Secretary at the Ministry of Trade. Mr. Sirisena has served as the Chairman at National Film Corporation, Chairman at National Savings Bank and the Director General at Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka.

Gamini WMr. D. Gamini Wimalasuriya
Vice President

D. Gamini Wimalasuriya is a fellow member of the Institute of Certified Managements of Sri Lanka and of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka with over 50 years exposure in the field of Finance and General  Management. For the past 31 years he is attached to Akbar Brothers Group of Companies as the Head of Finance and Company Secretary.
He is a founder Trustee of the CCC Foundation Sri Lanka, a charitable trust which operates a state of the art transit home for the cancer patients, and the Hony. Treasurer, the National Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka, Hony. Treasurer of the Animal Welfare & Protection Association, and is a Past President of The Chartered Accountants Benevolent Society.
Prasantha AbeykoonMr. Prasantha Abeykoon
Hon. General Secretary

Ranjan SMr. Ranjan de Silva
Hon. Treasurer 

Ranjan de Silva is  a Senior  Director with over three decades of business experience  covering trading , marketing , financial and support services  in manufacturing , trading and service organizations. He is currently serving as an Independent Management Consultant.   

He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (London) 1985. He was previously employed as GM/ Director/Deputy Managing Director – Motor, Group Director at Associated Motorways (Pvt)Ltd responsible for all  Automotive Brands of AMW including Sales & Marketing and After- Sales activities (1988-2014).  

The other positions previously held by Mr. de Silva are, Chairman – Ceylon Motor Traders’ Association , the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (2006/7), Chairman  - Imports Section , the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (2006/9), Chairman – Sri Lanka China Business Council , the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce ( 2011/12) and Trustee of Sir Cyril De Zoysa Trust (2012).




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